Board Statement


We deeply regret the negative experiences reported regarding our most recent production GET OUT ALIVE. The Board of Directors has undertaken an investigation, and has submitted a complete report of our findings to all parties involved. We profusely apologize for Haven's role in these experiences, and are working vigilantly to improve and evolve our culture and processes.

Based on our findings and in conversation with the steps already shared publicly on social media, our current work includes but is not limited to:

- conducting performance reviews with each staff member toward training and corrective action where necessary;

- group meetings and training around institutional communication and culture aimed at (among multiple topics) fostering proactive vs reactive modes of operation;

- augmenting the concrete staff structure of our organization to better support communication, oversight and functionality;

- creating new check-and-balance steps within each level of the organization; and

- creating a comprehensive playbook for both staff and contracted artists setting down core expectations for all so as to avoid such gaps in the future.

We stand firmly with our staff in both our apology for these experiences as well as our belief in our collective abilities to learn, grow and do better as a result of them. We are grateful for grace and patience as we work now to build better for the future. If you would like to reach out further, you may email the board at Thank you!